XCOM 2 GiveFacility command

This command will give you the specified facility at the specified position. Note that spawning facilities does not clear out alien debris. Save before using this command. Using this command while excavating a plot will not interrupt the excavation, but it will also not allow you to use the Facility until the excavation is over. Using the command over a non-excavated plot will overwrite the debris. Destroying a facility after using the command will revert it to an empty plot, and any debris that was overwritten will be lost.


givefacility [facility ID] [avenger/map index]


Facility ID is the ID of the facility you want to create. Below is a list of all facility IDs:

Facility NameFacility ID
Advanced Warfare CenterAdvancedWarfareCenter
Guerilla Tactics SchoolOfficerTrainingSchool
Power RelayPowerRelay
Proving GroundsProvingGround
Psi ChamberPsiChamber
Resistance CommsResistanceComms
Shadow ChamberShadowChamber
UFO DefenceUFODefense

Avenger / Map index is the index to place the facility. Below is an index of locations:

3 (Upper Left Corner)45 (Upper Right Corner)
12 (Bottom Left Corner)1314 (Bottom Right Corner)


The command GiveFacility PsiChamber 10 will place a Psi Chamber in the middle of the Avenger.